(As of October 13, 2022)
-The Secretariat is carefully preparing for ISAR-7, which will be an in-person meeting under the COVID-19 pandemic. Please note that the schedule of ISAR-7 will be different from the previous ISAR schedule.
- Registration has been started on October 11. Please note that all presenters must complete registration by February 6. If registration is not confirmed by the deadline, your presentation at ISAR-7 will be cancelled.
-Abstract submission has been started on August 3 as scheduled. Please note that the abstract submission fee is non-refundable under any circumstances.
-ISAR-7 Secretariat will make utmost efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection at the local site. In addition to working with the venue to ensure thorough disinfection and ventilation, we strongly recommended that all participants have been triple vaccinated.
-Restrictions on entry into Japan are updated frequently. Please refer to the following website for the latest information.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan website
-ISAR-7 overseas participants must comply with all restrictions upon entry and after entry into Japan.
-Application for issuing Visa support documents has been started on October 11. Please note that the Secretariat will issue the visa support document only for the participants whose abstract was accepted. The application acceptance has closed.