Call for Special Session Proposals
The call for the special session is closed and further proposals will not be accepted.
Submission Deadline extended: May 31, 2022
ISAR-7 organizer is now accepting Special Session proposals from the topics of multi-disciplinary, transversal aspects and cutting-edge. The ISAR-7 consists of plenary sessions and breakout sessions. The breakout sessions include Regular Sessions and Special Sessions. The Regular Sessions consist of the followings:
(1) Atmosphere
(2) Ocean and sea ice
(3) Rivers, lakes, permafrost and snow cover
(4) Ice sheets, glaciers and ice cores
(5) Terrestrial ecosystems
(6) Marine ecosystems
(7) Geospace
(8) Laws, Politics and Economy
(9) Language, Culture and Health
(10) Engineering for sustainable development
Proposal for Special Sessions should be submitted using the form below to ISAR-7 secretariat no later than May 31, 2022. The following items should be included.
- Proposer's name, affiliation and corresponding e-mail address
- Main convener's and co-conveners' name, affiliation and corresponding e-mail address
- Session title (up to 100 characters)
- Session description (up to 500 words)
- Summary sentence (appears in print only; 50 words max.)
- Expected minimum and maximum number of participants
- Scientific field(s) of the session (can be plural. e.g., atmosphere, ocean and sea ice, rivers, lakes permafrost and snow cover, ice sheets, glaciers and ice cores, terrestrial ecosystems, marine ecosystems, geospace, laws, politics and economy, language, culture and health and engineering for sustainable development etc.)
- The proposed sessions will possibly have to be arranged by the Symposium Organizing Committee to avoid redundancy and/or to fill gaps.
- The proposer can be a convener.
- Session conveners will be notified the result of the arrangement not later than June 14, 2022, and the final list of sessions will be announced in late July, 2022
- An oral part of the session has to have not less than 5 speakers. If it is satisfied, the session is given a 90-minute slot. If it is not satisfied, the session will be merged with another session. If the session has not less than 11 speakers, then two 90-minute slots are given and so on.
- The Symposium Organizing Committee encourages poster presentations by making the posters put up as long as possible during the symposium so that presenters can explain and discuss their results with participants at their convenience as well as in the poster presentation core time.
Task of Session Conveners
- The accepted main session convener automatically becomes a program committee member and must pursue the tasks of the program committee.
- The session conveners foster to submit abstract(s) to ISAR-7 to the community members nearby.
- The session conveners will examine the abstracts submitted to the session if it is suitable to present in the session. If the abstract is not suitable for the session, the main convener has to inform to the program committee with recommendation of which session is suitable to present. In this case, the chairman of the program committee will ask the recommended session conveners to accept the abstract.
- The convener(s) of the accepted sessions will build the program of the session (poster and oral presentations).
- At least one of the co-conveners of an accepted session is expected to participate in the symposium and chair the session.
- The convener is expected to appoint a presenter in Session Presentation session, which will be held in the morning plenary session and supposed to present the main topics of the Special Session.
ISAR-7 Special Session Proposal Form [Closed]