Applying for visa to Japan to attend ISAR-3
We will prepare visa documents for presenter. When your abstract accepted,
please check if you need an entry visa to Japan. If you need it, follow
the steps A) to D).
The ISAR-3 secretariat will prepare the following three documents in
Japanese, and you take these documents to Japanese Embassy or Consulate
nearby in order to obtain visa to Japan.
(1) Reason for Invitation
(2) Schedule of your stay in Japan
(3) Personnel Guarantee
A) Before sending the B) and C), make on-line registration for ISAR-3 from
the symposium web-site.
B) Send your Curriculum Vitae to isar3(at)jcar.org for preparing the documents (3).
C) Send the following information to isar3(at)jcar.org in order for us to prepare the documents (1) and (2).
1. Name in full (as written in your passport),
2. Current title and the name of the organization, address, telephone number at which you work/study,
*To Chinese applicants: please send us the information 1 and 2 in Chinese characters separately by pdf file.
3. Date of birth: please indicate the month in letters, not in numbers. Example:14 Jan 1982,
4. Age,
5. Sex,
6. Nationality,
7. Mobile phone number, if you will bring it to Japan,
8. Complete address and phone number at where you wish to receive your visa documents.
Arrival in Japan
9. Arrival time, date and place (airport etc.) to Japan,
10. Flight number and name of airline,
During Stay in Japan
11. Name, telephone number, and address of hotel(s) or other accommodations where you will be staying at while in Japan,
12. Schedule while in Japan (in detail),
* The documents gReason for Invitationh will be prepared for you only
for attending ISAR-3. The period ISAR-3 will be held is on January
15-17, 2013.
13. Departure time, date and place (airport etc.) from Japan
14. Flight number and name of airline
D) We will prepare the necessary documents based on your information,
and send them to you by EMS. Please submit the documents to the
Japanese Embassy or Consulate.
1. Occasionally it takes a long time to obtain a visa. You had better act immediately after you receive the acceptance notice.
2. The information on your flights and hotels is necessary for applying
3. You can get more information in detail at the website of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Send to
Symposium Secretariat: isar3 (at) jcar.org