1. Speakers should deliver a copy of their presentation on a USB flash drive to the staff at the onsite “Presentation File Desk” well in advance of their presentation time. Morning (before lunch time) presentations should be submitted by 17:00 on the day before the presentation, and afternoon (after lunch time) presentations by 12:00 on the presentation day.
2. Please follow the file name convention: Session number‐Oral number_family name.pptx (e.g. B03‐O17_Suzuki.pptx). You may find “Session number‐Oral number” in the program.
3. Speakers will not be allowed to load presentations directly onto in‐session computers.
4. All presentations must be compatible with Microsoft Power Point 2013 (or earlier version,2007, 2010) or PDF file on the Windows PC platform. *If your presentation file does not work correctly on the Windows PC at file registration desk (this PC is same kind of PC used at presentation), ISAR‐5 secretariat office will specially allow you to connect your own PC to the projector, only if you agree that the time of replacing your PC is included in your presentation time (i.e.you’ll lose your presentation time). We don’t recommend to do that.
5. Basically, oral presentations are scheduled in 15‐minute blocks allowing for a 12‐minute talk, followed by a 3‐minute question and answer period. The chairperson will notify you when your presentation reaches 10, 12 and 15 minutes. Some sessions do not follow this schedule, so please consult with the session conveners for the details.
6. If your presentation includes video files (avi, mpeg/mpg, wmv, asf), they will not work if they have not been copied onto the presentation laptop computer. Therefore, please ensure to submit copies of the videos when you submit your presentation.
7. Please be ready for presentation by moving to the seat at the front part of the room during the presentation ahead.
1. Poster board size: The poster should fit the size of poster board provided, 90cm wide x 210cm high.
2. Authors are responsible for setting up and removing their poster. Pins or tapes for putting up your poster will be provided by Secretariat. The number plate (presentation code) is on the poster board. You may find your number from the program on the ISAR-5 website or another paper.
3. Poster presenters are expected to present in front of their poster boards during the core presentation time.