As of March 19. 2020
If you click the session numbers below, you can reach each session program directly.
Room Floor Map (PDF) |
Hall | Chu3 | Chu4 | Toku-1 | Toku-2 | Toku-3 | K | |||
Mar.2 | Registration Open | 11:30 | |||||||
Opening | 13:00 -14:00 |
Opening, Photo Session |
Keynote Speech 1 | 14:15 -15:00 |
Keynote Speech 1 | |||||||
Breakout Sessions 1 | 15:15 -16:45 |
R1 | S19 | S8-R8 | S10 | S12 | |||
Breakout Sessions 2 | 17:00 -18:30 |
R3 | R1 | R4-S5 | S8-R8 | S10 | S12 | ||
Icebreaker | 18:30 -20:00 |
Chu1-2 | |||||||
Mar.3 | Keynote Speech 2 | 09:30 -10:15 |
Keynote Speech 2 | ||||||
Session Presentations 1 | 10:30 -12:30 |
R1, R4-S5, S8-R8, R3, S9, S12 | |||||||
Lunch | 12:30 -13:30 |
Poster Session 1 | 13:30 -15:00 |
R1, R3, R4-S5, S3, S8-R8, S10, S19, S20 | |||||||
Breakout Sessions 3 | 15:15 -16:45 |
R3 | S20 | R4-S5 | S3 | S13 | S14-S11 | S9 | |
Breakout Sessions 4 | 17:00 -18:30 |
R3 | S20 | R4-S5 | S3 | S9 | |||
Side Meetings | 18:30 -21:00 |
Open discussion on Arctic research project coordination | SAS | ||||||
Mar.4 | Keynote Speech 3 | 09:30 -10:15 |
Keynote Speech 3 | ||||||
Session Presentations 2 | 10:30 -12:30 |
R2, S1, S6-R5 1, S6-R5 2, S10, S14 | |||||||
Lunch | 12:30 -13:30 |
Breakout Sessions 5 | 13:30 -15:00 |
S6-R5 | R2 | S1 | R9 | S15-S16-S17 | |||
Breakout Sessions 6 | 15:15 -16:45 |
S6-R5 | R2 | S1 | R9 | S15-S16-S17 | |||
Breakout Sessions 7 | 17:00 -18:30 |
S6-R5 | R2 | S1 | R9 | S15-S16-S17 | |||
Banquet | 19:00 -21:00 |
TKP GardencityTakebashi | |||||||
Mar.5 | Keynote Speech 4 | 09:30 -10:15 |
Keynote Speech 4 | ||||||
Session Presentations 3 | 10:30 -12:30 |
R7, S15-S16-S17, S2, S4-R6, S7, R10-S18 | |||||||
Lunch | 12:30 -13:30 |
IAC&SOC | |||||||
Poster Session 2 | 13:30 -15:00 |
R2, R7, R9, R10-S18, S1, S2, S4-R6, S6-R5, S7, S15-S16-S17 | |||||||
Breakout Sessions 8 | 15:15 -16:45 |
S4-R6 | R7 | S2 | S7 | R10-S18 | |||
Breakout Sessions 9 | 17:00 -18:30 |
S4-R6 | R7 | S2 | S7 | R10-S18 | |||
Side Meetings | 18:30 -21:00 |
Capacity Building of Young Researchers in Arctic Study | ASM3 | Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network-Arctic Hub- | Secretaiat | ||||
Mar.6 | Keynote Speech 5 | 09:30 -10:15 |
Keynote Speech 5 | ||||||
ASM3 Session | 10:30 -12:00 |
S20P | |||||||
Closing | 12:00 -13:00 |
Closing |
Closed Meeting
Keynote Speech 1 / Mar.2
Science supports Arctic Policy-making
Masao Fukasawa
Research Counselor/ Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology, Research Professor/ National Institute for Polar Research
Have worked to promote WCRP(GOOS) and GEOSS. Member of Monitor and Evaluation Committee of GEO (2010-2015) Director general of Research Institute for Global Change JAMSTEC (2009-2014). Project Director of ArCS (2015-2020).
Photo : Torje Jenssen
Keynote Speech 2 / Mar.3
Positioning of contemporary Ainu within the global Indigenous movement
Kanako Uzawa
Ph.D. Candidate at UiT Arctic Univeristy of Norway
Kanako Uzawa is a Ph.D Candidate at the Arctic University of Norway where she focuses on urban Indigeneity in Ainu communities in Japan, and was engaged as a Visiting Researcher at the Research Faculty of Media and Communication at Hokkaido University, Japan in 2016, where she contributed to collaborative research and education on multifaceted articulations of Indigenous knowledge. Kanako spent her childhood and youth both in a local Ainu community, Nibutani, Hokkaido, and the urban city, Tokyo. She is a member of the Association of Rera in Tokyo where she learned Ainu songs and dances from elders and became a cultural performer as well as an advocate for the Ainu community on the international arena. This encouraged her to pursue an MA in Indigenous Studies at the Arctic University of Norway where she focused on comparative research between Norway and Japan regarding ILO C169, the Indigenous Tribal Peoples Convention. This led to an internship in the Project to Promote ILO Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples (PRO 169) at the International Labour Organisation, Geneva Switzerland.
Keynote Speech 3 / Mar.4
Waste, Culture, and a 'Theory of Everything'
– One Alaskan's Perspective on the Tipping Point.
Lynn E. Zender
Executive Director/ Zender Environmental Health & Research Group
Dr. Zender's 1999 engineering dissertation focused on the unique institutional, jurisdictional, infrastructural, and socio-cultural issues that tribes face in implementing environmental programs. That knowledge was employed in founding Zender Environmental Health Group, a non-profit that primarily assists 200+ remote and roadless Alaska Native villages in addressing a plethora of singular and serious waste management challenges. Work includes a successful rural job training program that employs cultural values and peer mentoring in achieving high retention and placement rates, and research for the Arctic Council on best waste practices for small & remote Arctic communities. She is heavily involved in multiple statewide policy initiatives, including development of a collaborative rural hazardous waste backhaul network and introduction of a product stewardship program. In her 25-year career, Dr. Zender has worked with over 140 tribes and tribal consortia and visited over 55 Alaska Native communities, affording her a privileged perspective on the "tipping point" and its meaning.
Keynote Speech 4 / Mar.5
Marine and Coastal Technology for Sustainable Development of the Arctic
Sveinung Løset
Director of SAMCoT, Professor/Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Dr. Sveinung Løset is since 1995 professor of Arctic Marine Technology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He is Adjunct Professor at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), and in 2005 he was appointed honorary doctor of St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, St. Petersburg, Russia. In 2004 he received Statoil’s Excellence in Research Award, and in the 2017 POAC Founders Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Professor Sveinung Løset.
Currently Dr. Løset is dean of research and innovation at the Faculty of Engineering, NTNU. For the period 2011-2019 he led the Centre for research-based Innovation, Sustainable Arctic Marine and Coastal Technology (SAMCoT). Professor Løset has also been Member of ISO WG8 Arctic Offshore Structures Standard, Technical Panel Deputy Leader.
Professor Løset has been a pioneer within Arctic Marine Engineering. He established this research field in Norway due to needs he foresaw coming with the increased offshore activities in the Arctic; in particular the Barents Sea. At the time he started his research in the late 1980’ies there were no systematic observations and monitoring of the physical environment in the Barents Sea. As an example, the design basis for the industry with respect to icebergs was just based on sporadic observations of opportunity; no proper data for engineering purposes. In his research, Dr. Løset has addressed various aspects of how sea ice, icebergs and icing affect and govern operations and design of ships and structures in Arctic Marine environment. His research encompassed field-work, laboratory investigations and numerical modelling. He has published more than 70 international peer reviewed journal papers and more than 170 international conference papers.
Keynote Speech 5 / Mar.6
The Outset of The Synoptic Arctic Survey (2020-2021)
Øyvind Paasche
Chair / SAS Scientific Steering Committee (SAS SSC)
Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research and Norwegian Research Center AS (NORCE)
Øyvind Paasche is with the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research and NORCE Climate and is an established scientist with 20 years of national and international experience. He has a long-term interest in the Arctic working with organizations like the University of the Arctic. He has published around 30 studies in international peer-reviewed journals, co-edited a cross-disciplinary book called The New Arctic published in 2015. He has also co-authored a book on how the climate system works called What is Climate? (in Norwegian). He was also a contributing author to the 4th IPPC report (The Physical Science Basis). Paasche has both been the project manager and partner in several international projects, including Ocean Outlook (2016-2019), Advanced Climate Education and Research (2018-2020) and Seasonal Forcasting Engine (2018-2021). He is part of the team running Advanced Climate Dynamics Courses (ACDC) and also the Chair for the Scientific Steering Committee for the Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS).
Main convener: Masakazu Yoshimori; Co-convener: Daisuke Goto
Main convener: Eiji Watanabe; Co-conveners: Yasushi Fukamachi, Hajo Eicken
Main convener: Kazuyuki Saito; Co-conveners: Masahiro Hori, Kazuyoshi Suzuki
Main convener: Masashi Niwano, Jon Ove Hagen; Co-conveners: Teruo Aoki, Yoshinori Iizuka, Shin Sugiyama, Thorben Dunse
Main convener: Yasunobu Ogawa; Co-conveners: Ryuho Kataoka, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Takuo Tsuda, Takuji Nakamura
Main convener: Nobuhiro Kishigami; Co-conveners: Megumi Kurebito, Lynn Zender
Main convener: Hajime Yamaguchi; Co-convener: Genki Sagawa, Magnus Burman, Hideaki Murayama, Nina Kirchner, Jessica Emakovich, Nadezhda Kharlampieva
Main conveners: Jun Inoue; Yusuke Kawaguchi, Daiki Nomura
Main convener: Akio Yamagami; Co-conveners: Hiroyasu Hasumi, Mio Matsueda
Main convener: Shigeto Nishino; Co-conveners: Are Olsen, Øyvind Paasche, Michiyo Yamamoto-Kawai, Sung-Ho Kang, Jianfeng He, Carin Ashjian, Jacqueline Grebmeier, Kumiko Azetsu-Scott, William Williams
Main convener: Amane Fujiwara; Co-conveners: Toru Hirawake, Takafumi Hirata, Kohei Mizobata, Yutaka Watanuki, Akinori Takahashi
Main convener: Hideki Kobayashi; Co-conveners: Tetsuya Hiyama, Hotaek Park, Tonghua Wu, Yongwon Kim, Daqing Yang
Main convener: Shin Sugiyama; Co-conveners: Hiroki Takakura, Shinichiro Tabata
Main convener: Nikolas Sellheim; Co-convener: Akiho Shibata
Main convener: Osamu Inagaki; Co-convener: Sakiko Hataya
Main convener: Fujio Ohnishi; Co-conveners: Aki Tonami, Toshitaka Takeuchi, Minori Takahashi
Main convener: Lassi Heininen; Co-conveners: Matthias Finger, Hanna Lappalainen
Main convener: Violetta Gassiy; Co-conveners: Natalia Loukacheva, Romain Chuffart
Main convener: Naotaka Hayashi; Co-convener: Minori Takahashi
Main convener: Shunwa Honda; Co-convener: Fujio Ohnishi
Main convener: Takuji Waseda; Co-conveners: Tatiana Alexeeva, Junji Sawamura
Main convener: Akihisa Konno; Co-conveners: Junji Sawamura, Takatoshi Matsuzawa
Main convener: Natsuhiko Otsuka; Co-convener: Kazutaka Tateyama
Main convener: Jeremy Wilkinson, Stein Sandven ; Co-conveners: Michael Karcher, Craig Lee, Hanne Sagen
Main convener: Volker Rachold; Co-conveners: Hiroyuki Enomoto, Thorsteinn Gunnarsson, Nicole Biebow, Jeremy Wilkinson